opinion, reaction poll
Nom poetry
letter, mail; poetry, verse; to be young, tender
to come out of a trance
take one’s seat in the court
to promote
rise and fall, ups and downs
to get promotions
be promoted, promote
to ascend heaven
(of king) die
to wander, roam, ramble, moon
private, personal letter
poem and literary composition, poetry, poem
poetry in Chinese-transcribed Vietnamese
open letter
naive, inexperienced, unsophisticated
poetic, dreamlike
strong perfume
six-eight meter
to smell
narrow well with pure water
young (age), tender
to give a pervasive smell
very fragrant, aromatic
fragrant, sweet-scented
to smell good, nice
letter to the editor
good-smelling, fragrant
postal letter
be honored through a relative
letter; to write
honorable, reputable
sweet-smelling, delicious
to amuse or enjoy oneself, unwind, relax
bookseller’s shop
book catalog
money order, postal order
(book) catalog
registered letter, registered mail
poste restante, general delivery
folder (computer)
bank teller
secretary, clerk, teller
contract, transaction, deal, bargain
letter from the editor
an anonymous letter
electronic mail
leisure, spare time, unoccupied, free
leisurely, free
at ease, relaxed
satisfied, contented, pleased
window of the study room, study room
bookshop, bookstore
practice cabbalistic arts
calligraphy, penmanship
email (message)
voice mail
software library
library science
thinly, sparsely populated
address (a superior) in a respectful way
to correspond, letter, correspondence
(1) (polite form of address), answer, reply; (2) sparse, thin
scholar’s houseboy
(of woman who has few children) sparse
yes sir
far behind
sparse, scattered, thin
speak up, answer, reply
to feel sorry for
to recognize, acknowledge
customs service
to bring to legal proceedings, sue, file charges
economic struggle
wounded and sick soldiers
wounded soldier, wounded veteran
(1) trade, commerce; (2) to be wounded; (3) to love, be fond of
tradespeople, business world
businessman, trader, merchant
to discuss, arrange in advance
commercial firm
to discuss, arrange, negotiate
commercial seaport
commercial law