to make efforts to vomit, retch
to vomit, throw up
dry dock
pillbox, gun emplacement
mound; excessive
capsize, upset, be thrown down, fall over, fall down
glug glug (drinking sound)
clumsy, bulky, heavy
to punch, hit with the fist
mournful, doleful, wilted
to compost, rot manure
depressed, sad, gloomy
incubation period
(1) (see also úng); (2) boot
(1) sad, unhappy, gloomy; (2) to cover (food)
onomatopoeia for the grunting of pigs, grunt
Oh, still that smell, huh!
moist, slightly damp
fat, stocky, plump
to press, iron, push, shoo
(exclamation of surprise)
to cherish
overcast, cloudy; tired, worn out; sorrowful
to support a decision
bipartisan commission, committee
to support human rights
joint commission, committee
to support strongly
administrative committee
to support, stand up for, back
relief committee
consumer product safety committee
Atomic Energy Commission
committee, commission, board
(1) to appoint, designate, entrust; (2) to comfort, reassure, console
to support an initiative
people’s committee
irresolute, soft
to comfort, console
complications, details
board, commission
party committee
finance committee
national committee
to delegate
selection committee
(diplomatic) credentials
national committee, commission
military administrative committee
to confide or entrust a task to somebody
committee member, commissioner
mandate, trusteeship; in charge of a territory
traffic jam
to confide, entrust, delegate, vest (authority, power)
blocked, obstructed; to encumber, block up, jam
to authorize, grant power
stagnant, slow-selling
commissioner’s office
a vague answer, answer vaguely
to entrust
congestion; to congest
overcrowded, full; to accumulate
general commissioner
committee, commission
to adapt, cope
word used to express mild disagreement
to respond
to estimate, value, rate, assess
guess, suspect, surmise, conjecture, speculative
hypothesis, assumption, supposition
to compel, force, constrain, oppress, bully
to oppress, suppress, inhibit, restrict, control, repress, restrain
force, coerce
to run out
to rescue, come to the rescue
to cry
to intercept
to overflow, run
appear in the dream
enroll, enlist
stress, corresponding force
to improvise a poem
the widespread use of computers
to apply, use; application, (computer) program
presidential candidate
to receive (guests), entertain
behave well in society
candidate (for office)
to compete
to cope with, deal with
to behave (oneself), comport oneself, conduct oneself
relative to
to respond to a call for help, aid
applicant, candidate
to extemporize, improvise, ad-lib