to destroy, annihilate, wipe out, extinguish; extinct
disappear, vanish, be obliterated, be effaced
to consume, use up
melancholy, dismal, gloomy, stern, austere
to dissipate, evaporate, disappear; dashed, destroyed
testify, bear witness (to)
sad, mournful, solitary
to spend (money)
peppery chamber (of the queen)
to be last; to disappear
to spend, expend, waste
spend, expend, consume
scatter, dispel, break up, vanishing, dissolution
focal axis
to spend money
usurp somebody’s power
subject, heading
usurp the throne
focus; to focus
to usurp
what a pity !, what a shame !
to regret
it’s too bad that
it’s too bad, what a shame
to regret one’s property
to regret one’s effort
to regret, be sorry; regretful, sorry
to usurp the throne
to evolve, develop
to carry out an investigation
to advance, move forward, continue, carry out, execute, operate
to approach, get close to
to commend, recommend
to be in a dilemma
to improve, progress, advance; improvement, progress
to advance, walk towards
doctor (PhD)
to move one’s army forward
to advance, march solders, troops
to advance, move forward, progress
to make great advances
to advance, move up
to progress, develop, evolve, move ahead, advance
rate of progress
to get close(r)
to move towards, head towards
move in, move close to
to move straight towards
to advance into, move towards, enter
to make one’s way in life, succeed in life
to get close to, come up to, advance towards
to advance, move forward, make progress
appeals process
peace process
democratic process
(1) language, sound, voice, reputation; (2) hour
Russian (language)
Southern Vietnamese (dialect)
American English
Latin (language)
Chinese (language)
Vietnamese (language)
Cambodian (language)
Northern Vietnamese (dialect)
Cantonese (language)
Polish (language)
French (language)
English (language)
Japanese (language)
harsh language
beeping sound, noise
a voice calling
popular, common Vietnamese
crowing (of a bird)
modern Vietnamese
shout, yell
bad reputation, ill repute
(sound of a) laugh, laughter
(sound of) footsteps
howling sound, howling noise
whistling (sound)
one’s native language, mother tongue
mother tongue, native language
the rustle of leaves