room number
real number
identification (number)
house number
decimal number
my number is up, I’m done, I’m finished
numerical value
account number
round number
the remaining money
irrational number
sum, amount of money
natural number
(the) number of deaths
number, count, score
bad luck, ill luck, misfortune
imaginary number
Arabic numbers
negative number
first prize (in a lottery)
initial, startup capital
good luck, luck, fortune
capital (money)
last two numbers of the first prize (in the national lottery)
toll free (telephone) number
telephone number
back of knife blade
to live with each other, together
to live in the same generation as
to live alone
to survive, stay alive
to live apart, separately
laissez-faire, non-interference
to live in squalor
to live in a devil-may-care manner
to live under the colonial yoke
to live, exist; life
bridge of the nose
male bird and female bird, cock and hen-to a finish
to live illegally (in a place), be an illegal resident
rebirth; to be reborn, rise from the dead
to live in exile
spine, backbone
to live in a strange place, live in a foreign land
to live a long time
to live in disgrace
to live in harmony with
to live among
to hover between life and death, be half
to live a life
brazen, impudent
to survive
to live in fear
raw, unripe, undone
to be living in a dream
to live well
to live in a state of slavery
to live to be over 100
to live in poverty
to live in separation
to live in a state of
useless to society, good for nothing
live or die
lively, vivid
fresh from the over; (of news) hot
to exist on paper
recurring fever
hog’s back
(1) hot, feverish, impatient, anxious; (2) at all
to live in a strange place
to live abroad
to live in
to live forever
to live in poor conditions
angry and anxious
to live in the U.S.
recurrent malaria
to anxiously await the moment when
to await something anxiously, eagerly
anxious, eager, dying (to do something), impatient
yellow fever
scarlet fever, scarlatina