to spy, lie in ambush, wait, watch (secretly), be on the lookout for
to complain, moan, groan
fringe, edge, border
to rustle
to leak (out), disclose; leaky
urinary fistula
to chatter, chirp, warble, twitter, prattle
to spy on, watch secretly
chatter, prattle
to ambush, jump
be very sleepy (with eyelids being too heavy)
to be tongue-tied
to whiz by one’s ear
to whistle, whiz, buzz
porcupine, hedgehog
funny, merry, jolly
to leak classified information
female conjuror of dead souls
to tiptoe, walk on tiptoe
to stand on one’s tiptoes, walk with stealthy steps
(1) caterpillar; (2) mischievous
to babble
to bark, peel
to flow abundantly
tap, faucet
uninterrupted, without a break, on end
to pour alcohol
(1) skinny, thin, lean; (2) (see dòm)
to pour (from a bottle)
clear, evident, plain, distinct, specific
clear, distinct, obvious, evident, plain
as clear as daylight or crystal
absolutely clear
it is clear that, clearly
now then, now, now
clear, distinct; clearly, distinctly; to know well, understand clearly
abundant, plentiful, copious, many, much, a great many
to follow in someone’s steps
clap clap
to shout, let out a shout
to shout, yell, scream, sound (alarm)
to scream, yell
dreadful, terrifying, ghastly, horrifying
(of crowd) to make noise
ruble (unit of currency)
forest and mountain, forest
walk with a springy gait (step)
to shiver, tremble (with fear)
see rốn
to shudder, shiver, quiver, tremble
battered, deformed
to pull back
be sluggish, slow
slip one’s head in
to abridge, curtail
in the end, at last
to drain
withdraw and take flight
to withdraw one’s opposition
diminish, reduce
to drop charges, a lawsuit
to draw (gun), pull out, recede (crowd), withdraw
boil down to
to withdraw
to pull out, withdraw
covered retreat
to pull out, step back, withdraw, stand down; withdrawal
to withdraw from, unsubscribe
to withdraw troops
to pull a vine and shake the woods
to draw from previous experience
to drop a (criminal) charge
to pull out, receed
to bone
to recede
the teeth of a harrow
to tighten up, pull back, make more conservative
to draw a conclusion; to extract the essence of sth
to admonish, advise
to draw or pull out a gun
to advise, council, warn
to remove from, pull out of
all to a man, all at the same time
to pull out, be derived
fragrant khotweed