industrial, manufacturing zone
regional flora, regional fauna
amusement park
liberated zone
border region
area, zone, section
spool area
storage area
area, zone, district, region
domain part
enclave (place where a group lives)
coastal shore, coastal area
sphere of influence
autonomous area
local area, region, district
collective quarter, collective zone
industrial, manufacturing zone, area
to eliminate
search everywhere, rummage on all sides
to strike, beat
arched, bent
party committee
recruiting station, inducting station
to open and pour (from a bottle)
buffer zone
to come out, be exposed
arrange, settle
to open a can of beer
to open a beer (to drink it)
to open a beer
to unpack, unload (goods), open
plaited button
hook fastener
press-stud, snap-fastener
button, button-hole
inclination, tendency
to be ruined; ruinous
legal framework
eucalyptus essential oil
picture frame
(1) to lean, slant, incline (also politically); (2) to ruin
doorframe, door-case
late at night, midnight
framework, background, backdrop, setting, scenery
to admonish, advise
angle of site instrument
to advise
(political) right, rightist
advice; to advise, council, recommend
to overthrow, topple, subvert
common tendency
object oriented
ultra-leftist, extreme left
(political) left, leftist
elder (person)
comfort, console
to dump
to dissuade
overturn, overthrow
give recommendation, advise
to recommend
to encourage
to admonish
encourage agriculture
admonish lovingly
recommend, give recommendations
advise, counsel
to promote, on special offer, promotional, sales promotion
to console, solace
to encourage development
take up a collection
to encourage, stimulate
to encourage learning, encourage study
mold, model, shape, pattern
defect, imperfection, shortcoming
unnamed, anonymous
bower, boudoir
wanting, lacking, missing, vacant
damsel (of a feudal high family)
encourage people to do good, encourage good actions
harem, gynaeceum
room of a maiden
to carry (heavy things), transfer
to carry (heavy things, usually with other people)