chaotic, confused
arrogant, overbearing, insolent
sexual reproduction
nurse’s aid
jumble, mish-mash
population, residents
be a member of the royal retinue, be a royal escort
to hold a consultation
see to a burial
commercial firm
organization; to assemble, gather, meet
precinct chief, ward chief
to vomit
assign great talents to small tasks
to escort, guard
giant, guardian spirit
to escort
village registrar (keeping records of births, deaths)
premenstrual syndrome
civil status
to help, assist
president, chairman (of an association)
earth’s satellite
Educational conference
to gather, meet
an extraordinary conference, an emergency conference
black ink painting (Sumi-E)
round-table conference, round table
to confer, meet, convene; conference, meeting, congress
association, festival, feast, party, ball
Asian Law Caucus
teaching festival
riding club
meet face to face
to assimilate, integrate
secret organization, secret society, underground group
round of performances
first laureate at pre-court competition
to meet with someone
summit conference, meeting
to interview, meet with
international conference
study encouragement society
peace conference
benevolent association
talk, converse
friendship society
good will, charitable organization
to converge
festival of competition
local puppet administration (in
president (of a society) chairman
meeting-hall, assembly-room, conference room
trade conference
people’s juror
an unofficial conference
to confer; talks, conference
confer (with), take counsel (with), conference
group, organization
religious society
to have exchange of ideas; to understand, agree
check box
Board of Audit
can of beer
cabinet council
tin, can, box, case, carton
cabinet council, council of ministers
drink together
national security council
black box, flight-recorder
crime commission
security council
Post Office Box
advisory council
council, assembly, meeting, board
mail box, post-office box
municipal council, city council
mail box
board of directors, management council
dialog box
people’s council
gearbox, transmission
council of state, state council
to rub; match (for starting a fire)
alumni association
steal an early march on someone and get a profit