condition, state, situation
religious organization, institution
knowledge base
crafty, cunning
anatomy (field of study)
organism, body
family estate; undertaking, career
essential, important
skilful, cute, clever
metal refinery
factory, plant
meal taken at an inn (usually with cheap price)
French (not western) cuisine
rice, cooked rice, food (in general)
build an extension
dynamic, self-propelled, mobile
burnt at the bottom of the pot, rice crust at the bottom
rice and gruel mixed up together
fried rice
rice for the birds
vegetarian food
(daily) meal
left-over rice that has been warmed up
glutinous rice, sticky rice
rice ball
food offerings
meal, dinner
cooked rice
cold rice
bamboo-tube rice
plain cooked rice, rice with nothing to go with it
burnt (overcooked) rice
rice at the top of the pot
inferior quality rice
meal taken at an inn
attack, outburst, fit, bout; period, crises
rice mixed with various cereals
food and clothing, means of support or subsistence
compressed rice
dinner, evening meal
ordinary rice
broken rice (grains)
steaming hot rice
attack or bout or fit of fever
(a) high (from drugs)
fit of nausea
squall of rain
tornado, twister
panic attack, fit of panic
coughing fit, attack of coughing
outburst of rage, anger
the storm had abated
twister, storm, typhoon
fit of anger
city, town, housing (project)
residence, inhabitance; to live, reside
be in mourning, observe the interval of mourning
retired scholar, hermit, recluse
to dwell, live, reside
population, inhabitant(s), resident; residential
a dull ache
to act normally
heart attack
to behave, act, conduct oneself
outburst, fit, attack of pain
officers’ quarters
border, frontier
callous, inflexible, unyielding
(1) law, principle; (2) hard; (3) bridle, reins
to bear; be pregnant
(1) to support, help, aid; (2) pigeon, turtledove
to pamper, coddle
to saw, amputate
summary, resume, outline, synopsis
fundamental, basic; base
post, position, place
restrictions (to one’s freedom) (figurative) officialdom
constant obligations of morality
territory, bound
determined decided, firm, resolved
hard and soft, firm and yielding
resolute, firm, determined
thesis, fundamentals, essentials
to rob, loot, ransack, steal; robbery, theft
marriage, matrimony, wedlock
to marry (each other)
wedding which takes place ahead of schedule
to marry, wed