to take an examination
draft, project, mission, plan
to attend mass, a religious ceremony
to attend a banquet
to go up for an examination
to estimate, plan
to attend a funeral
to put by, lay aside, reserve, have a reserve of
to have a share in, take part in
to erect, raise
depend on
to set the scene, set the stage
to lean on, stand against, incline, be based (on)
to set up, erect, raise, found
preliminary agreement, draft agreement
to rely, depend on (military) force
to plan, expect; intention
to lean against, rely on, be based on; using
to predict, foresee, forecast, estimate
based, founded on international law
based on, founded on
to found on, base on; to rely on
to follow the model
to follow, according to; in; based on, backed by
to set up, found a nation
to fabricate (story), stand up (vertically)
to marry somebody off
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the Redemptorists
Medal of Honor
the Milky Way