league of nations
English parliament
national defense, military
national anthem
national laws
state funeral
national customs and manners
state affairs
at home, in the country, domestic
national historiographer’s office
national disaster, catastrophe
national history, history of a nation
national language
beauty queen
teacher of the prince
famous scholar, national scholar
national policy
national clothes, national dress, national costume
enemy of the nation, national vengeance
internationale (song)
national characteristic
national character, nationality
secretary of state, minister without portfolio
sultan, caliph, shah, emir, king
head of state, chief of state, fuehrer
national literature
government bond, national debt, government securities
royal college
national territory
nationality, citizenship
national prestige
international language
to internationalize
to feel, grope for
to kneel to the ground
to kneel down
national socialist, Nazi
prostrate oneself
council of national affairs, cabinet (in some countries)
to go down on one’s knees, kneel, genuflect
(1) to kneel down; (2) species of lotus, sunflower
scold severely, dress down
reproach somebody with something reproach bitterly
chide, scold, reprove
precious stone
to scold, reprove
ruby cup
grope for, feel for
ruby phyllocactus
secret fund, privy purse, slush fund
very cunning, crafty
credit fund
devilish trick
terrifying, fear-inspiring
savings bank
sophist, sophism, fallacy
old-age fund
demon, devil, fiend
a welfare fund
to kiss the dust, cringe or kowtow to somebody, fawn
compensatory fund
collapse, drop down
(old) good wine
bumpkin, simpleton
gods, spirits, supernatural beings
satanic, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish
to gather, seize, swing
orbit, trajectory
National Mall (in Washington DC)
How can I forget
US Armed Forces
acting pope
Kanto (region of Japan)
Mandarin Chinese (language)
International Monetary Fund, IMF