bishop’s palace
Buddha’s throne
appeals court
office building
military tribunal, court martial
court (of law), tribunal
Rectorate (of university)
Supreme Court
city hall
holy see
newspaper office, editorial office
people’s court, people’s tribunal
justice of the peace court
family court
lower court
to fall (in water), splash; plop, splash
to stretch out, spread out
supreme court
state court
international court
military court, tribunal
to dangle, balance, hang loose, swing to and fro
sound of drum beats
to covet, lust after, long for, yearn for
to submit oneself to; accessory, accomplice (in a crime)
submit to one’s husband
to join the army
up to now
to study, pursue one’s studies
to follow traditions, follow old customs; from the remotest times
to enlist in the army
to dangle, hang loosely
to enlist, join up
to submit to circumstances
hair plaited into a pigtail
having white hair and wrinkled skin
gray, silver, white hair
hair (on head)
to depend upon
on service
the hair on the back of one’s neck
artificial hair, wig
blond (hair)
conjugal love
hair that touches one’s shoulders (of young girl)
white hair, grey hair
grey hair (on young person)
straight hair
beautiful hair (of woman)
side whiskers, sideburns
black hair, youth
long twisted bun in hairdo
to conclude, summarize, sum up; summary
to arrest, nab, seize
to nab, seize, catch
chains, bonds, shackles
to spit fire
to splash, splatter
black hair
to jump, leap, hurry ahead
munching, noisily
cracklings, greaves, scrap
to shrink, contract, wither, lose flesh, grow thin
to sum up
in short; to summarize; summary
to lick one’s lips
to carry off, sweep off, round up (of police); to unite, gather
to sum up, summarize; in sum, in short
bowl of pho
to color
to paint in bright colors, embellish
naked, nude, unclothed
(1) to coat, cover; (2) (large) bowl, (large) bowlful
something that passes the common standard
to embroider
I am afraid she will not come
I would also like to say
I would also like to add
I think like you
I have
servant, subject
I had a flat tire
I know
I (first person singular pronoun)
to embellish, adorn, make up
I don’t know
forge, temper
my head aches
I agree to your conditions