late father
good medicine
vanguard, shock troops, pioneer; to pioneer
to establish in advance
fairy, nymph
foresee, anticipate
the late king
a priori
patron saint of a trade, founder, (mild exclamation)
ancient sage
teacher, Mr., Sir
prophet; to foretell
late emperor
advanced, developed
pre-existing, prerequisite
a pledge of love
preliminary hearing
to normalize, standardize
to predict, foresee, foretell
high standard(s)
standard, norm, criterion, ration, portion
representation; average; representative; to represent, symbolize
(black) pepper; to spend (money)
separate, distinct
little angel, cherub
norm, criterion
the late emperor
statistical norm
elixir of life
plane tree
to waste, squander
to wear out, thin out, consume
to consume, spend
epigram, aphorism
destructive warfare
attrition, using up
to destroy, annihilate, wipe out, extinguish; extinct
disappear, vanish, be obliterated, be effaced
to stroll, wander
to relax, amuse oneself, entertain oneself, divert oneself
negative, passive
destroyed, demolished; to destroy, demolish, ruin
to annul a marriage
to digest, assimilate; digestion; digestive
to spend (money)
peppery chamber (of the queen)
to be last; to disappear
to spend, expend, waste
spend, expend, consume
scatter, dispel, break up, vanishing, dissolution
focal axis
to spend money
to consume, use up
melancholy, dismal, gloomy, stern, austere
to dissipate, evaporate, disappear; dashed, destroyed
testify, bear witness (to)
sad, mournful, solitary
to regret
it’s too bad that
it’s too bad, what a shame
to regret one’s property
to regret one’s effort
to usurp
to regret, be sorry; regretful, sorry
to usurp the throne
usurp somebody’s power
subject, heading
usurp the throne
focus; to focus
what a pity !, what a shame !
to be in a dilemma
to improve, progress, advance; improvement, progress
to advance, walk towards
doctor (PhD)
to move one’s army forward
to advance, march solders, troops
to advance, move forward, progress
to make great advances
to advance, move up
to evolve, develop
to carry out an investigation
to advance, move forward, continue, carry out, execute, operate
to approach, get close to
to commend, recommend