joke, jest, trick, prank
circus trick
entertainment, amusement
round, circular, full, complete
guard jealously
approximately, about
show, produce, bring forth
perfectly round
plump, round, thick, buxom
round, plump
to turn, become 11 (years old)
(1) noose, lasso; (2) pupil (of the eye)
to scale off, come off
yolk (of an egg)
black pupil (of the eye)
take an assumed name
white of egg
to rock
loop, noose, snare
to make a mistake in doing something
entire, whole; (to do something) by mistake, accidentally
eat like a toothless hag
tie all four limbs
bind or tie up with string
to tie fast, tie up
very weak and inefficient
to tie, fasten, bind
to tie, bind
trace, track, hunt for, track down
drown (as a punishment)
to pass by, go by
to drift
to be stranded, drift, roam
fluent, easygoing
to drift, fly, float along, pass, elapse
to look, appear, have the appearance of, -looking
eye of needle
to pass too quickly, be over too soon
to depend, rely on
to look after, keep an eye on, watch
to expect
to look after, take care of, overlook, supervise, administer
to wait for, look forward to
look over there
look over there!
to believe or think (that) the moon is
to look like (something)
to bully, repress, victimize
to take shelter, retreat
to prepare
(1) to curse; (2) to manage, plan; plan
sunken eye
to look bewildered
to look to, depend on
to see, perceive
to look only dull but be actually clever
to sit on, straddle the fence, wait and see
(1) to cover, wrap; (2) leader, head
plan, calculate, devise
to plan, intend
to hesitate
machinate, make plans
scheme, form projects, plan, prepare, dispose, make ready
available funds
leader (of a gang, group)
to cover
to coincide
double nine ( th day of th) lunar month)
(1) to coincide; (2) worm
to back up
(1) earthworm; (2) to back up, pull back
to coincide, conclude
double five ( th of th lunar month)
a period of mourning that comes unexpectedly while
biquadratic, quartic
meet again
siege, blockade
double litigation
to reconstruct, rebuild, renovate, restore
innumerable, numberless
dawdle, trifle, dilly-dally, loiter, delay, stall
double ten th day of th lunar month)
to take shelter; to live, dwell