manager, administrator
to manage, function, handle, run, operate
voltage control
remote control
to mediate, act as mediator
digital control
something easy to understand
to give treatment and medical care
to command, control
antenna tuning
condition, situation, category
to induce or hasten menstrual flow
something unavoidable, inescapable
minimum requirements
extended terms
clause, term, article, covenant, provision
normal condition
working conditions
economic conditions
necessary condition
regulation, rule, statute, charter
this, word, thing, matter
the strange thing is that
something to he happy about
(article of) law
it should be noted that
this something very unusual for me
this suggests that
this (thing, matter)
the thing that, which
regulations, instructions
spread a bad rumor, circulate
to investigate; investigation
regulate, harmonize
bad reputation
good point, side
One very important point is ~
maneuver troops
to investigate a case
the most important thing
come to words (with)
initial investigation
to investigate carefully
to coordinate
to coordinate the transport system
a very difficult thing
speed regulation
to treat a disease, illness
to treat, cure (patient); treatment
to (make a) report, show in detail
a thing deserving attention is
something to be concerned about
something worth nothing here
the thing deserving attention, pay attention to, is
the sad thing is
something that should be, something that deserves to be
to negotiate, arrange
tap changer
the good news is that
that (thing)
to appoint (somebody) to a post; to maneuver, move
control; in moderation
common point
that which is called, what they call, a thing called
that (aforementioned thing, matter)
to bargain, arrange, hold talks, negotiate
to make a press round-up or press review
pharmacy, drug store
this means
to review, inspect troops
the more worrisome thing is
grades, marks, point
sign by pressing one’s finger-print
main point
strategic point, location
blind spot
peak, high point, highlight, main point
differences, points of difference
points of differing opinion
ignite, detonate
(point of) difference
rendezvous point
(classroom) conduct grade, behavior grade
hit at dangerous spots (in traditional boxing)
check and examine
to call the roll or register, take roll-call