general uprising
a barren place
accomplice, partner
fellow-student, schoolfellow, classmate
alliance, league; allies
scrap iron
field, plain
coeval, of the same age
of a person who is well off
in the same district
gifts, presents
go back together
joint ownership
convergent, concurrent
people of a group having different views
to sleep in the same bed
accomplice, accessory
isomeric, isome
live and die together
virgin, little girl, maiden
live together, cohabit
chaste, virgin
witchcraft, sorcery
unified currency, single currency
local currency
to approve unanimously
money, currency
in chorus, in unison, unanimously
at the same time as
colleague, coworker
at that time, at the same time as, when
on the same day
at the same time
parent of one’s son-in-law, parent of one’s
to agree, assent
children’s stories
of the same language
(1) pupil (of the eye); (2) young boy
of the same family
homosexual, gay, lesbian
homosexual, gay
to sympathize, concur; sympathy
to unite, join or combine forces
radioactive isotope
same age
to agree with each other
to agree with
to agree with a plan
to agree, consent, concur
of the same party, accomplice, partner
co-religionist, brethren
cent, penny
in the same situation
echo, resound
red copper
black brass, bronze
to agree with each other on many points
to pour, spill (out), empty
to shed blood; bloodshed
to blame each other
to place blame on, blame
fall flat, collapse, break down
get angry, querulous
flock into, concentrate upon
to move troops
pass the buck round, shift the responsibility round
to land, disembark, go ashore (from a boat)
accuse falsely
to pass on a disease
fall to pieces, be in ruin, collapse; to damage, ruin
to break out (of a secret)
to sweat, perspire
it is pouring down with rain
irrigate a field
shift the blame for one’s action on someone else
go to the bad, take a bad turn
to spill directly into rivers and oceans
see stars
put the blame on (only one person) put the sole blame on
blame unjustly
to spill out, pour out
to fill up with gas
to flock into, pour in (people)